The general gist? I'd say I'm a naturally creative person who picked up a passion for engineering along the way. For me, coding is just another medium of art that I can use to bring my ideas to life. I've been thinking about interactive art installations and would love to design and host one from the ground up. (👀 message me if you're down)

Studying engineering as an artist/designer was... kind of hard! Maybe counterintuitive? Having overcome that hurdle, though, I've come to appreciate both what I can learn from and provide to either disciplines. And the bonus of getting to say I can do both... pretty nice.

Lately I've been trying to cook more, listen to more music, attend more concerts, and spend time with friends. I'm permanently in nyc, come say hi!

On my mind...

maintaining french fluency
staying fit
red hair... tempted
refactor portfolio to TS 🥲
saying the word slay
a side career in social media
finding time to MAKE ART
nyc tattoo artists
coding up and launching an app
pink cocktails 🍹
avoiding talking about tech
help friends find soulmates
velocity edits of friends
genmaicha drink recipe??

2023 • Built by Jenny Zhang using NextJS